Short Background of the Company

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GRAMEEN KALYAN is a not for profit Company established in 1996 under Bangladesh Companies Act, 1994. It is founded by the Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank. Grameen Kalyan is also registered under Bangladesh Foreign Donation (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Ordinance, 1978.

In the late nineties a study showed that without improvement in healthcare, the poor cannot stay out of poverty for long time.  Microcredit could bring them out of poverty but to keep them out of poverty permanently, healthcare for the poor must be addressed.  Accordingly Prof. Yunus under Grameen Trust launched an action research program called Rural Health Program (RHP) in 1993 which had considerable success in improving healthcare among the poor. The RHP was subsequently handed over to Grameen Kalyan (GK) in 1997 immediately after inception of GK and since then it is operating as a regular program under GK.