Short Background of it/About

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The LRA civil war in northern Uganda displaced over 1.5 million people. The region still struggles from lack of income, low crops yields and high youth unemployment. Many farmers neither have adequate access to national or international markets nor to training opportunities.

Aryodi runs an integrated bee keeping resource center and is training its bee farmers in environmentally friendly bee farming. This practice is not only beneficial to the environment but also more profitable. The traditional way of collecting honey, by destroying the bee hives and using fire to smoke the bees out of the hives, is replaced by a new, and better technique.

Aryodi buys the farmer’s honey products for a fixed price. The products are then marketed through a joint brand. Besides selling honey nationally and also increasingly on the international market, the social business also offers bee wax products. Altogether Aryodi has already trained over 2,000 out-growers.