
Profile Image elisabetta-righini 14th March, 2020

Due to the serious global virus COVID-19 issues which have continued to threaten and taking away people’s lives in different parts of the globe over the last few months, we have continued to monitor the situation. The incidence of the virus has continued to get worse in different part of the world. In Italy the situation is still critical.We are therefore very concerned that it would be soci.....

Profile Image elisabetta-righini 10th November, 2019

The University of Urbino was among the partners invited to participate in the closing event of the "Financial Education Month 2019" organized by the "Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities", which was held in Rome on October 31st 2019 at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.The Month of Financial Education is an initiative of the Committee that promotes free a.....

Profile Image elisabetta-righini 10th November, 2019

An important event organized by the Yunus Social Business Center in Urbino has brought microcredit and ethical finance to fight poverty and education into the center of the debate# OttobreEdufin2019, the month of financial education, made a stop at the prestigious University of Urbino Carlo Bo where, in recent days, the seminar "Financial education and microcredit" was held.The event, organized by.....

Profile Image elisabetta-righini 10th November, 2019

On 16 September 2019 the Director of the Yunus Social Business Centre - Urbino Prof. Elisabetta Righini gave a lecture on the theme of legal discipline of microcredit in Italy during a training session for teachers of high schools of the province of Pesaro - Urbino (Italy) 

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