Empowher ( Empower+Her)

Chien-wen Shen 8th December, 2015

Project Name: Empowher (Empower+Her) through online knowledge and creating business platform via social media

Describe your innovative idea:

This project aims to reach the gender who are the under privileged as well as who are mostly the drop outs, a critically underserved population in Bangladesh, to improve their IT knowledge.

*What steps will I take to implement this project?

  1. Phase 1 Recruitment, Promotion and Training for Teachers (ToT): A team of experts will work with additional volunteers to launch the project. The team will visit and assess the need from which participants will be selected and through the respective institutions who are working along with the underprivileged and where IT training centers will be established, to learn more about the specific needs of participants. 4 trainers will be selected and a curriculum will be developed.  40 participants will be selected based on their interest and basic computer skills.
  2. Phase II – workshop Period: The 40 selected participants will receive 3 days of workshop.
  3. Phase III – Formation of Clubs: Gender club will be formed after the workshop, one at each participating partner’s Institution. The team will make follow-up visits each month to these centers, which would be given the practice task of developing social media skill through social networking and having access to smart phone.
  4. Phase-IV- A Daylong demonstration of the self-made project will be organized for participants from the educational institutions and concerned organizations drop outs that are known as underprivileged. The participants from the workshop sessions will moderate sessions and demonstrate what they have learned. The team that would perform up to the expectations will be awarded.


*What are your goals?

The goal of the project is engage young activists and technology geek in reaching out to marginal and under privileged with special needs being drop outs and to give those the opportunity to begin building their capacity. We strongly believe technical knowledge development can be at least a partial introduction to the workforce for the marginalized gender being under privileged, and can provide enrichment with otherwise limited mobility and public interactions.

*Who will benefit?

Bangladeshi youth have done a significant amount of outreach activities for a wide range of audiences.  We believe, we, the youth should focus on empowering the women being underprivileged and drop outs as well. This will open a new field for the youth to contribute and give back.

Nowadays, the society ist open in accepting transgender as a part of the general workforce. There are many government initiatives but we think  the marginal group need extra care and specialized training to build their capacity that are in between in the age range of 18-35

*What results do you anticipate?

We want to see more transgender, underprivileged to become self-reliant and also work in the mainstream campaign and advocacy network. The IT based Mobile Technology will help them to develop skills. We intend to continue providing assistance to run these so that the marginalized gender can be informed about the benefits of IT and technology based education. This will boost their confidence.

*How will you measure success? (Content limited to 1000 characters)

  1. Evaluation test: Monthly basis evaluation test would be there after the preparatory course and basic learning.
  2. FGD: Before the selection there would be focused group discussion among the participants to find out and assess their need and feasibility.
  3. Report card: To evaluate the condition and personal assessment, quarter basis and annually.
  4. Test for the trainers: Evaluation for the best trainers so that they can be trained for further advancement

*How will the project be publicized?

  1. Social Media: Through Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We would like to initiate a group and would like to initiate more activities through upgrading and updating the entire activities monthly basis and also to initiate e-magazine
  2. Newspapers: To initiate and encourage the participants for publishing their activities in national dailies.
  3. Electronic Media: Through the conference, all the electronic media journalists would be invited
  4. Club based activities: 2 clubs would be formed and initiated by promoting activities, i.e., outsourcing competition and Olympiad
  5. Documentary: At the end of the project documentary would be screened to get the views and initiatives behind the project.