Higher Education internationalize CJCU Vice-president, and Director Attended 8th Social Business Day

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The 8th Social Business Day, organized by Yunus Centre in Bangladesh, was held on June 28 and June 29 in Bengaluru, India. Prof. Po-Ho Huang, the vice-president of Chang Jung Christian Univers, and Prof. Chien-Bang Chen, the Director of Innovation Incubation center of Chang Jung Christin University, attended this event.

This is the first time to move the event, Social Business Day, to overseas by Yunus Centre in Bangladesh; shows the importance of connecting internationally. Doctor Yunus, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, come and have a speech in person. Share the Grameen Bank and the actual case of social business on the world to everyone. During the event, Doctor Yunus communicate with participant personally and working hard for the future of vulnerable group together.

As many 50 countries, people from the business circle, academic circle all enjoy the event and collect social business energy from all around the world. CJCU group with the Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan(FYSBT) to participate in the event. VP. Huang and director Chen who behalf of CJCU, bring the achievement of social business education from our school to global and exchange with others, and learn the experience of all walks of life in the cultivation of professional talents in social enterprises and the development of social enterprises. Moreover, they will bring back the internationally rich social enterprise innovation and creative thoughts and energy, as the foundation of the school to promote the international network of social enterprises.