The YSBC of Urbino University at the closing event of the Financial Education Month organized by the National Committee for Financial Education in Rome. 31 October 2019.

Profile Image elisabetta-righini ১০/১১/১৯ ৪:৪৭ অপরাহ্ণ

The University of Urbino was among the partners invited to participate in the closing event of the "Financial Education Month 2019" organized by the "Committee for the planning and coordination of financial education activities", which was held in Rome on October 31st 2019 at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

The Month of Financial Education is an initiative of the Committee that promotes free and quality opportunities, without commercial purposes, to increase the basic knowledge on the management and planning of personal and family financial resources, with moments of study, reflection, but that also of play, confrontation and entertainment on the management of savings, and on insurance and social security issues.

The University of Urbino, through the Yunus Center of the Department of Law participated in the # OctoberEdufin2019 with a seminar open to students and citizenship, organized in collaboration with ICCREA and Federcasse, on the theme of "Microcredit and financial education". The seminar was part of the "Impresa e Cultura" Project, developed by the Yunus Center with the representation of the contemporary opera "27 dollars", inspired by the life of the Nobel Prize Prof. Yunus, inventor of modern microcredit. During the seminar some pieces were performed by the Project's Artistic Director the soprano Felicia Bongiovanni, the main interpreter of the opera, performed for the first time on the occasion of Yunus's visit to Urbino last May.

During the event, Maestro Bongiovanni and Prof. Elisabetta Righini, Director of the Yunus Center in Urbino, presented the philosophy of their project to an audience of operators and industry experts, which through cultural and artistic initiatives, including mainly 'lyric opera, aims to promote occasions of knowledge and deepening on economic and social themes, for an integral promotion of the human person, in the tradition of that Renaissance humanism of which Urbino has been an example in the world.